Thursday, January 29, 2009

No Brag , Just Fact

Well , well my best friend turns forty Friday . Over the years I been around several hundred thousand people . Being a teacher , coach and high school principal plus working for the Richard Petty Driving Experience will do that to you . Carey Lowery is the most impressive human being I have known ! It is within that context and the framework of my believes that GOD had Carey in mind when HE inspired the author of Proverbs 31 to write " She is a woman of strength and dignity , and has no fear of old age . She is energetic and a hard worker . When she speaks , her words are wise , and kindness is the rule for everything she says . She watches her household carefully and is never lazy . Her child stands and blesses her as so does her husband . Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain , but a woman fears and reverences the Lord shall be praised . " Happy Birthday !


Namrita O'Dea said...

Happy Birthday Carey!

Danielle Musto said...

Hi Zeke!

I agree with you about Carey. She is amazing!

Happy Birthday and good luck at the snake this weekend!!!!!!