Saturday, August 24, 2024

Breck Epic Stage 3 - Guyot

Another glorious weather day

I woke up with cobwebs in my brain, which was a little unusual this early in the race.  History usually has me feeling this way later in a stage race.  Oh well, nothing that a huge cup of Christopher Bean Coffee wouldn't fix.

The initial 6 mile climb was a mix of pavement and double track.  I was on the struggle bus early on:  any effort above a heart rate of 135, my vision would narrow and I would feel faint.  Very weird and frustrating.  Once we made it to the French Flume Trail, I was back in my happy place, as this was mostly flat to downhill.  I remembered this trail from the Firecracker 50 many years ago, and I liked this direction much better.

The steep AF climb up French Gulf Road to French Pass had me on the struggle bus, with 1600 feet of gain in 3 miles.  Couldn't breathe, couldn't see (tunnel vision and stars), no power, but I tried to focus on the beauty of the area as opposed to my suffering.

So much eye candy!

And then, on top, real candy!

I passed on the Skittles.  I mean, who can even chew at 12,000 feet! I was rewarded with my efforts with a fantastic descent:  from rock chunk to smooth flow, I enjoyed every single second.  Blaze just ate 'er up!  And without needing to breathe, I felt normal again.


The climb up to Georgia Pass was another kick to the va jay jay, but once again with stunning views.  I felt as if I could reach up and touch the clouds. The descent off the pass felt like I was in Pisgah. 6 miles of rowdy roots to Pilot-like rocky chunk.  Yee-hah!  Ride 'em cowboy!

One more "little" climb where I seemed to feel a little better, but probably because this was at lower elevation.  Then we got to slay some more single track:  Great Flume, Side Door, and Minnie Mine.  Once on Minnie Mine, I thought the finish was near, as I could hear the announcer.  But ... nooooo!  We got to play on the Turks Trail, which took us a very roundabout and climby way to the finish line.  Oof!  That hurt a little.

Dave and I finished with a time of 5:55, once again 5th on the day and still holding 5th in the GC.  

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