Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lasting Memories Along FS Road 28

It has been several days since my Southern X volunteer stint, but the past couple days at work has been like back to back VO2 Max Intervals.  Left physically exhausted, mentally drained, and saying, "Huh?  What just happened?", I elected to sleep vs. blog.

Even though the weather was almost unbearable, Carly, Zeke, and I had a wonderful time.  Today was one of my proudest days of being a mother.  We got up early Saturday morning, drove miles and miles along twisty, gravel road to Camp Wahsega, checked in with Namrita, found out where we were to be stationed along the course, and then drove miles and miles of more twisty, gravel road to get there.

Once we arrived at the intersection of Silver Fox and Doublehead Gap, Zeke headed out with Webb for a little bit of gravel road riding while Carly and I got ready to cheer the racers on.  It was cloudy, 40 degrees, and with a bone-chilling wind coming up the valley.  Carly was able to stay out of it by sitting on the tailgate of Zeke's truck. (Yeah, I said truck; no more "Chester Molester" van.)

For the next two hours, Carly cheered the racers on while I sent them in the right direction and stopped traffic when necessary.  Carly was a great cheerleader, "Go get 'em,"  "Like your jersey," and "Hurry, hurry, hurry," were her favorite lines.  She stayed warm, with her down jacket and handwarmers, while Ol' Man Winter slowly sucked the heat out of my fingers and toes.

Once we finished our duties and Zeke got back from his ride, I rode the remaining 24 miles of the course.  Beautiful, but brutal.  While I rode back, Zeke and Carly got to ride SOME MORE twisty gravel road back to the finish.

Carly waited patiently for me.  She was the LAST to get in her ride.  What a trooper ... never once complained.  As soon as she saw me, she leapt out of the truck and hopped on her bike.  I was tired and cold, but excited.

Together, in 36 degree weather, we rode up and down FS Road 28.  I did not take any pictures (fingers would not have been able to work the camera anyway) but seeing the happiness and pride exude from Carly's face will forever remain etched in my memory.  Time seemed to stand still as I watched my little girl turn the cranks over and over again.  Awesome!  We rode for 30 minutes, until Carly's thighs "felt stiff" (as she put it). 

When we got back to the truck, Carly had to show Zeke her muddy tires.  She was so happy to have finally gone mountain biking. 

What a far cry from less than a month ago when she told me she hated riding her bike.  That was back when her training wheels were on, a huge limiter to turning with ease and riding on rough terrain.

I can't wait until our next adventure.

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