Friday, April 17, 2009


I got girled for the first time in 1988 . GIRLED - as in being passed by a female while mountain biking . Four of us southern men were in Crested Butte showing those rocky boys how to ride . We were all around 40 and fine as a frog hair . The word hunk was often used on me back then ! Well it was day three and we had just finished 401 and were doing Gothic when we ran into a twenty something babe attempting to fix a flat . She did not have a tube so in our best southern style we jumped in to save her . I yanked out my tube and ole Tuck did the rest . We had Josselyn going in no time . I could hear her thinking ' what a man,what a man" ! The five of us cranked towards town . After a few minutes Josselyn noticed the time and yelled" I'm going to be late for work" ! Zoom !! She was gone . We attempted in vain to catch her but she disappeared .Since then I have been girled many times . The worst being sweet little Jessica ,during a race ,saying"excuse me Mr. Lilly may I pass you now". What an insult ! The kid used polite on me . I have been girled by some of the best: Krista Park, Ursula Sanderfur,Sue Haywood and all the Lunas . Of course ole Carey gets me every day . So, men when you get girled,take it like a man and let her by . DO NOT speed up,cause you are only going to piss her off and blow up and fall down in front of her .HA,traction be thy name . One of the many things I learned while working for Richard Petty is there is a reason someone wants to pass you . They are faster than you !!!! GOD speed ---- Zeke


  1. I've taught Carly that word, especially when she outruns the boys in her class ... now, if I can get her to perform this manuever on the bike, I can then rest in peace.

  2. I use the term "chicked", but they both mean the same thing. I gotta admit, I love it when I chick a guy;-) Don't get to do it as much nowadays, but when I do, it sure feels good! (oops, did I say that outloud?) teehee

  3. I don't "chick" too many guys, but it feels good when I do! Love the story!!

  4. Too funny! This always happens when they start the Expert guys in front of us. Most are super nice, but in one race I got so frustrated after asking over and over to get by and was watching 2nd place get closer to me. On the downhill I finally yelled "YOU ARE REALLY, REALLY SLOW!" he pulled over so fast I almost hit him. I couldn't believe I was that mean and I've never done anything like that again, and hope I never do, but it worked...

    One way to avoid this is by racing the pro men. You'll rarely have to pass and if you do, they let you by in a second.
