Friday, December 19, 2008

Are You Ready?

After 3 hard days of interval training on the road in less than ideal conditions, today Coach had me take it to the trail for a race-pace session. With the Snake just 2 weeks away, I headed down to Dalton and did an out-and-back on the first half.
Surprisingly enough, my legs felt pretty darn good right off the bat. The warm-up was a bit tough as the Pinhoti does not really have any flat spots, but after 30 minutes I gradually opened it up and then went full-bore for 90 minutes. I guess Coach really does know what she is talking about as I felt great even on the steepest of climbs.
The only thing that was slowing me down was the hundreds of thousands of hickory nuts scattered ALL OVER the trail. Add some wet leaves to the mix and it makes for a bit of "ice-skating" on the descents. Come on squirrels, let's get to work!

Mark your calenders as January 3 is the first of three TT's. This is one race that is not to be missed! Point-to-point, tons of climbing, rocks, awesome schwag, and equal payouts!


  1. good luck! i probably won't make it..i don't think the gator bowl followed by 9 hours in the car will be good pre-race prep.

  2. Please don't post any more pics of you riding just a jersey and shorts. Can you at least pretend that it's cold for my sake??? :-)

    I can't wait to hear about how awesome you do at the snake!!! I know that you are going to have a killer 2009 season!

    PS. Tell Zeke hi and merry x-mas for me!
