Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Marvelous Mallie

I'm so excited ... and I just can't hide it! Mallie is going to design my up and coming webpage. You see, I won this wonderful gift by contributing to Mallie's efforts during the 24 Hours of Booty. I have had some sneak peeks into Danielle's and Namrita's websites and they are FREAKIN' AWESOME!

As you are all well aware of, my blog (content notwithstanding) is blah. It definitely needs some TLC. Now, I will not have to buy the book Blogging for Dummies.

Hopefully, my new website will be up and running in time for Interbike. I am going to try this ol' sponsorship begging thing this year.

Is it true that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? If so, watch out Sin City because here I come!


  1. Ha! Danielle had to direct me here. Look for some e-mails today, and we will SOOOOOOOO have you up and running before Interbike!

  2. And before I forget...REALLY? The Pointer Sisters. Really? :)

  3. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...unless I have my laptop with me :-) J/K

    I can't wait to hang out with you guys. It's going to be fun!!!!
